Digital Marketing ROI

While many online marketers are already seeing the wisdom of allocating money toward digital marketing activities, some marketers may not be catching onto the necessity as fast. You definitely need to set aside funds to enhance your digital marketing roi if you have experienced one of the following issues:

  • A decline in sales revenue;
  • You are unable to keep pace with your competitor's online marketing activities;
  • You have not acquired any new customers in the last month; or
  • You have noticed a slump in your operational margin.

While it is preferable not to wait to allocate funds until any of the aforementioned events take place, it is still better to take a proactive stance if you think you are driving more apathy your way than consumer interest. Any money that you allocate toward content marketing, natural organic link building and SEO will be money that is well-spent. 

Know Your Customer - Ask What He Needs

Online marketing entails knowing what your customer wants and then answering that need. Therefore, any money that will increase your online marketing roi must also be associated with pleasing your customer or potential client base. Interacting with current and potential customers through social media sites as well as producing unique and helpful content should both be integrated into what you spend for digital marketing activities.

The whole idea of expanding your customer base is being able to strike a chord with the customers you already serve as well as potential clients. Therefore, content is king in this regard as you also want to draw customers through link-building activities. Plan to set aside about 45% of your digital marketing funds for content marketing and about 30% toward link building and SEO. If you want to stay competitive in today's virtual marketplace, you cannot afford not to make some changes in your company's budget.

Support Your Offline Ad Activities

Consumers are more savvy in their buying decisions today because they already have access to product and service information online. Therefore, they don't have to be "sold to" in order to make a buying decision. In many instances, they have already made up their minds. That is why, to stay connected and in tune with your customers, you need to make sure you spend a reasonable part of your revenue on enhancing your digital marketing roi.

Studies reveal that approximately $2.80 is made for every dollar spent to increase a company's digital marketing. In addition, online advertising complements offline promotional strategies, or those ads that are featured through such media channels as TV, print, outdoor signage or the radio. Plus, when you direct your digital marketing efforts toward social media sites, you also gain even more credibility. Followers often share any positive experiences connected with your business online.

Reaping a Savings Benefit

Investing the money to increase your digital marketing roi can reap a savings of approximately 60% when social media, blogs and SEO are all utilized. When you allocate funds for enhancing your digital marketing roi then, you definitely will put yourself in the "driver's seat" with respect to drawing traffic to your blog or website.

You simply cannot play the waiting game when it comes to making the necessary provisions to increase your bottom line. So, make it a priority to enhance your online marketing. Leverage your advertising activities. Do all you can to stay connected with your base of customers and optimize your presence online. That means investing in your company and spending the money needed to increase your marketing. 

One of the ways you can get started down the road of creating a better marketing ROI formulas for computing the numbers. You can find these and more valuable techniques in The 6 Marketing Metrics Your Boss Actually Cares About - a free e-book, available by clicking the ad below this article.

Free eBook: 6 Marketing Metrics Your Boss Cares About