Have you ever asked yourself this questions: What is the purpose of a blog? What is the difference between a blog and a Web Page? Well, the differences are many and they all depend on the use you want to give each one of them. Considering the meaning of each one of them first.
  • What is a website?
  • What is a blog?
Now that we know the meaning of each one, an example can be applied.
  • Person A: An independent worker who is the consultant image for artists. What would be better for her, a blog or a website? The answer is simple, a blog, because with this, she can give her advices every day and so can attract new customers with the testimony of her existing clients and also write tips on her blog and attract those strangers who are always thinking about fashion. She does not require the investment of a website, but she needs to know how to share her tips on social networks in order to have more followers and share her items with them.
  • Person B: Owner of a travel agency. What does he need? A website, of course; with just a blog he cannot attract customers. He needs a site where his potential customers can find his current address, a brief description of his agency, tourist destinations offered, prices, educational materials for those people who travel and do not understand very well the climate, custom, best places to eat, what clothes should carry, best attractions etc. Now that he has a site, he also needs a blog, for him to share all these tips easier for his existing customers or potential customers he wants to reach.

Learn: How to attract more clients with the content of your website

As a business owner, I know how important it is to attract new clients each month for your company, so my advice to you is to start investing in educating your potential customer rather than just sell therefore you will not be only known as a salesperson but also as a counselor.

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