SMART-GOALSThe way your day starts is your life!, everyone one day or another worries about the alarm ringing at 06:00 a.m. and not being late, so that way our day can last and we´re able to do all the things we have to do at work. That is why it’s important that before you start the workday you take into account the following Smart Goals tips that will help you have a more efficient day.

1 Sleep: Resting at least 7 to 8 hours a night will help you have a better day, but be very careful with the cell phone or Ipad before going to sleep, because these will keep you awake and not let your brain rest and release the toxins that sleep helps us release. If you’re going to lay down to sleep it is recommended that you read a book or simply relax before going to bed, do not have any use any electronic device 30 to 40 minutes before going to sleep.

2. Be thankful: Each one of us can find something for what we can be thankful to God or life itself. It’s important to start the day with an attitude of thankfulness, remembering things or situations in which we have been victorious helps us maintain our mind and body satisfied so we can give out even more on our daily jobs or projects we are involved with. 

3. Doing exercise: once you have meditated on thankfulness it’s time to give energy to the body and release those toxins that are in your organism and will not let you advance, like laziness, discouragement, bad temper, depression, etc. By doing exercise in the morning be it a short walk around the neighborhood or going to the gym will help primarily keep in shape and feel better about yourself and by the time you get to work this will give you more energy to start your day.

4. Nutrition: Proper nutrition and eating three meals a day helps us be more creative and maintain a better mood. If our breakfast if filled with sugar, for example: pancake with syrup and strawberries with cream on top, plus a glass of (artificial) juice we are consuming too much sugar which slows us down when we have to be productive and creative. It would be better to have a green shake with toast.

5. Have a goal: It is important to keep a Schedule or list of the most important things for the day. If we focus on only one goal a day we´ll be more efficient than spending 30 minutes on each thing to do. Concentration isn’t the same when you are thinking on 4 things to do at the same time than when you focus on one and finish it. Determine the goals you wish to reach a week and then divide the days of the week by the order of priorities and that way you’ll be more efficient at the time of doing your tasks.

Related: SMART Business Goals Give you More Free Time

I hope that with these simple SMART goals tips from now on when you wake up you’ll have a nice smile on your face and looking forward to conquering the world. Using these techniques you’ll be able to help your mind; body and soul reach their maximum potential. Furthermore your boss and colleagues will receive the positive impact. If you liked these tips simply refer them to a friend that needs to be more productive in their day to day job.

SMART Marketing Goals Template

photo credit: Sunset Skylinee via photopin (license)