You and B2C Marketing

There’s a bottom line to everything, and your bottom line should be marketing your product or services to the consumer by driving home the point that they need your assistance. If you can’t focus on the benefits of your product within the first twenty seconds of contact, you lose them.


There are five steps to this process:

  1. Don’t hesitate in getting to the point, making it almost immediate. It’s a fact that consumers are not interested in working hard to understand the importance of your products or services.
  2. Point out the benefits of your product or services plainly and clearly without being complex. Create a positive and friendly tone of voice that your customers will remember and identify with your company. Stay constant in your interaction with your customer.    
  3. Show the consumer that this is personal and that you are considering their goals and their needs and their needs.  Let them realize that you understand and are there to assist them in those needs.
  4. No one likes a hard sell.  We don’t want to be pushed into anything whether it is good for us or not.  So you want to approach your customers a different way. You want to develop a relationship with them to gain their trust. Let them be confident in your knowledge and allow them to see how your product or services can solve their problems.   
  5. Do your research and develop a strategy for marketing your company and product. This marketing strategy has to make perfect sense in order for your company to reach the goals you have set for it.  

Social Media and your b2c marketing strategies

There’s no such thing as secrecy when it comes to the Internet. People will see your company online and if you don’t respond to all that chit chat, you lose customers as sure as a right-click is located on a mouse.

The right marketing company can guide you through your social media approaches by improving:

  • Visibility
  • Sales
  • Making sure that every consumer is your advocate
  • And…they will map out the social media sites as those they were states in the union.  Each media site would be a city and your marketing company can show you how to touch on each town in those cities, by connecting with the population

When it comes to B2C marketing strategies, our marketing company is there for you at a moment’s notice, including a simple phone call and as much interaction as your company needs. At every stage of promoting your sale, you must make it easy for the consumer to buy over and over.  Never divert from the process of selling your product or service to the consumer. Repeat and repeat the need for your product.


Why aren’t you achieving your company’s marketing goals?  Are you creating goals that are measurable? How can you record your company’s success and achievements if you don’t set a goal by setting numbers for the entire company to strive for?  Have you considered the budget you will need and  your positive financial outcome?  We want to know what your marketing strategy is and how we can help improve your efforts with a solid plan of action to improve those efforts.

Allow us to offer you a complimentary Marketing Consultation where we can cover, in a half hour conversation, an actual marketing strategy assessment, a website analysis and after this evaluation, suggestions for improvement.

In fact, why not request your free Marketing Consultation for your b2c marketing strategies, and visit our landing page so that you will learn how we can help you?

Request Marketing Consultation - Learn how to improve your marketing plan

photo credit: Intersection Consulting via photopin cc

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