Increase Distribution Business Revenues with Content Marketing
In 2008 River Pool and Spas was struggling to stay open during the early years of the downturn in the economy. Faced with the possibility of having to close its doors, its owner - Marcus Sheridan - was looking for a way to increase sales and save his business.
Sheridan wasn’t a novice to the internet marketing world. Over the previous years he had spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on banner ads and pay-per-click campaigns that brought customers to his doors, but didn’t produce the needed uptick in sales.
Like many small distribution business owners Marcus spent much of his time educating the shoppers that came through his doors about his products and answering the various questions that they had. His frustration grew as his traditional and internet advertising failed to bring in the type of people who were ready to become customers.
The Answer to the Problem
At that time Marcus learned about a new way to increase revenue that would transform his business and change his life forever. Content marketing is about creating timely, relevant and valuable content and posting it for customers seeking that type of information to find. Marcus began assembling all of the questions that his customers were asking and began crafting answers to each one.
The River Pool and Spa blog quickly became the go-to source for information on fiberglass pools. Soon, customers were digesting pages and pages of information from the website and informed customers began to call. These informed callers where just the type of people that Marcus was looking for and sales improved quickly and River Pool and Spa became the most visited pool website on the internet.
The Content Solution
If you are a small business owner and are looking for a cost effective way to increase revenue, content marketing is a great choice. Successful content marketers strive to provide answers to the questions/problems their customers have. By providing valuable information to people who are looking for it, you position yourself as a leader in your industry.
Companies like Equinox and Sweetgreen are great examples of young companies that have quickly built a solid customer base by utilizing content marketing to inform and educate the public about their respective market niches.
Both companies utilize social media to promote and share their content. Their content is a mixture of informative pieces like Should You Join a Brain Gym? Or Local Peaches – Meet the Farmer. These pieces answer questions that are relevant to their customers or individuals that are searching for information. Articles like these serve as content for search engines to crawl through and bring interested individuals to your website.
The Whole Package
Content marketing is a vital part of any online marketing program. When combined with the proper social media platforms it creates a cost effective system that brings interested individuals to your website. Because the individuals arrived at your website because of the relevant information you provided, it becomes easier for you to transition from stranger to trusted advisor.
Businesses like River Pool and Spas, Equinox and Sweetgreen have utilized content marketing to increase revenue and reach new customers. To learn more about how you can implement content marketing in your business be sure to Download the Guide to Internet Marketing where we teach you the necessary steps to create your own content marketing plan.
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