Email personalization is the process of tailoring emails to the individual who will be receiving the message. Email personalization provides the opportunity to create a more engaging email experience, which can increase open and click rates, drive conversion rates and provide increased value to your audience.

There are many ways to personalize an email. A common starting point for personalization is including the recipient’s name in the subject line or opening greeting within the email.

Emails can also be personalized in the following ways:

Geographic location: Provide information that is relevant to where the recipient lives
Recent purchase history: Make product recommendations or ask for reviews based upon their recent purchases
Important dates: Acknowledge a recipient’s birthday or the anniversary of when they first opted in to receive your email messages
Content recommendations: Provide content recommendations based upon content they have previously viewed

Learn: What is an Email Newsletter? 

Expert Tip:

In order to send personalized emails, you need to have information about your email recipients. One of the best ways to do this is by improving your sign up forms. When someone signs up to receive your emails, ask for the types of information that will be helpful in the personalization process. This may include their name, gender, city or state where they live, birth date or interests.

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