Recently I was reviewing some keywords for my local SEO Miami campaign and I found out that some SEO companies in Miami are not doing their job for their own companies. Why? If you look at the graphic below you will see three rows.


The first column represents the keywords we are looking to rank. The second column shows us the average monthly searches for that keyword. Meaning this is the amount of time people included this keyword in their search using search engines like Google, Yahoo, or Bing. The last column shows the Cost Per Click (CPC).

What is Cost Per Click? How does it work?

Cost Per Click is the price you pay every time somebody clicks on your ad if you are using Google Adwords. In the picture below you can see the ads as well as the organic results. Every time somebody clicks on your company ad, Google will charge you the Cost Per Click which in our first example is about $33.57

Related: How my business can be shown on Google search result


Why does the keyword have such a high price? Google Adwords is a bidding platform. Therefore, prices go up according to demand. If there are many people bidding for a specific keyword so their ads will be shown in the Search Engine Result Page (SERP); the price of that specific keyword will increase dramatically.

As you can see, Miami SEO companies prefer to pay for ads (renting) instead of doing their job which is building pages around keywords to have better organic search ranking. When you rent any space you are obligated to pay in order to use that space. Meaning if you don’t have the money to pay, you will take nothing from it and your website traffic will sink like a rock.

What is the solution?

Start building your own framework that allows you to appear in the search results organically. Create a blog to educate your audience on how your product can solve their issues. Optimize your pages and blog posts for search engines and share those blog posts in your social media channels.


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