A form is a field or set of fields a visitor completes on your website or landing page  in order to receive a content offer. Forms are critical to your inbound marketing efforts because they turn strangers into known leads.

As leads return to your site and complete additional forms in exchange for new content offers, you are able to collect more information about them. With increased information, you can provide your leads with content offers tailored to their expressed interests and needs in order to guide them further into the sales funnel.

Before arriving at a form, a website visitor typically begins the conversion process by clicking a Call-to-Action, or CTA, which leads to a landing page where they complete the form to become a lead.

Expert Tip:

Consider your forms an equal information exchange. Make sure the amount of information your form requires is reciprocal to the value of the offer. If a visitor feels they are being asked too many questions, they may not fill out the form. Focus on asking questions that help you better segment your contacts by marketing stage.

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